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Just do it!

Being an active citizen means above all action, really changing the world for better. But before participants start to take changemaking actions they need to prepare a plan, starting from analyzing the problem, looking for creative solutions, till planning everything step by step.


Author and translation: Anna Książek

Proofreading: Andrea Pucci


Main objectives:

  • Planning specific actions which will answer an identified social problems

During the workshop the participants will:

  • Learn how to work in group, identify and analyze social problems, find creative solutions, plan actions.

  • Try to notice opportunities and threats which can influence the outcome of the project.

  • Learn how to present the planned activities.


1. Introducing the topic (exercise)

Divide participants in pairs. Each pair has to discuss the given topic and fulfill the task within five minutes. After that, everyone looks for a new partner and undertakes a new topic and task.

Topics for discussions and tasks:

  • Tell your partner about one time when you were successful. Then write down features and skills you needed to succeed. Write every feature/skill on a piece of paper.

  • Tell your partner about one situation in which you managed to solve a problem. Write down features and skills you needed to solve the problem. Write every feature/skill on a piece of paper.

Summarize the first part of the exercise. Separate skills and features, and then present to the group skills and features needed to succeed and solve social problems. Tell the participants the good news: each of us has skills and features to change the world! Then, come back to discussing in pairs, giving a third issue:

  • Which problems in your community have to be solved? Write every problem on a piece of paper.

When all the problems are written down, divide participants in groups of 3-4 people. Each group chooses one problem to work on.

2. Solving problems

The task for each group is to analyze a chosen problem and propose a solution. Every few minutes give them new questions to think about (every group gives answers related to the chosen problem).

  • Define the problem precisely, what are the causes?

  • What are the possible solutions? (brainstorm)

  • Choose and discuss in detail one solution you want to work on.

  • Think and write down what resources you need to put your idea into action? How can you find them?

  • Who can help you?

  • What are potential challenges and difficulties?

Volunteers from different countries help to build an ecological house for “Blue Life” on Mantanani island, Malaysia.


Tasks and topics to discuss:

  • Put into action the social project you planned during the meeting


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More Changemaker stories:

The material published on Changemaker Tool Kit and ExChange The World was developed as creative commons (BY-NC), feel free to use them! As you do it, please, mention the source and the author. In case you use them for commercial purposes, share 10% of the bill with us. This will allow us to continue to develop our work and keep creating new educational material. You can do so by supporting our crowdfunding campaign ( or contacting us directly, especially in case you need an invoice (



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