The most important in changing the world for better is action. We cannot limit ourselves to discuss and generate ideas, it’s crucial to put them into practice. Participants, using knowledge and skills from the previous meetings, will plan and implement their changemaking action.
Author and translation: Anna Książek
Proofreading: Andrea Pucci
Main objectives:
Give participants the experience of changing the world.
During the workshop the participants will:
Learn to notice situations around which need to be changed, look for solutions and put them into practice.
All the meeting is focused on preparing the changemaking action which participants decided to do during the previous meeting.
The participants made the decision about what they want to do already during the previous meeting, so you know before with whom you need to speak and what kind of materials and equipment you need to prepare.
1. Starting the meeting with the chant:
We change the world together
To make everything better
For people and for nature
This is our adventure
2. Discussion
Depending on what kind of changemaking actions you have decided to do, share the task and start working. Before, speak about working in group – collaboration is an important changemaker skill. It’s crucial that every participant does his/her best. Share tasks the way all stages of the work will be done and each participant will have something to contribute on. Underline that not everybody needs to do the same.
Remember, it’s very important that participants think alone what they want to do. It will empower them and give them the feeling that they can change the world.
3. Changemaking action
Put into practice the action you have planned!
All children, no matter where they are from and where they live, can change the world!
4. Summarize
Participants share their impression from the work they have done, what was easy and what was difficult. Analyze together how your collaboration was. What was great and what could be done better in future? Appreciate participants’ work and underline that their changemaking actions should not end with this meeting.
Read the last letter from the travelers:
Dear children!
Congratulation for becoming changemakers! We are proud that you managed to achieve so much! You can really change the world! We hope that what you have learned during the previous meetings you will use also in the future. Changing the world can be great fun and real passion! This is not the task for few weeks but for a whole lifetime.
We will continue our journey and collect for you next changemaking stories. We encourage you as well to keep going in changing the world for better. If you want, you can share with us story of your changemaking action, we will be more than happy to get to know it and spread around! You can find us by email or on facebook (
Greetings and congratulation again!
Anna and Andrea
5. Finishing the meeting with the chant
We change the world together
To make everything better
For people and for nature
This is our adventure
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